1st October
Pada hari rabu tanggal
1 Oktober saya menjalankan kegiatan saya sehari-hari. Pagi hari saya berangkat
ke kampus, saya menaiki angkutan umum untuk dapat sampai ke kampus J1. Saat itu
angkutan umum yang saya naiki dikemudikan oleh seorang supir secara ugal-ugalan
dan dalam keadaan mengebut. Ini jelas suatu pelanggaran etika dalam mengemudi,
selain membahayakan semua penumpang yang ada di dalam angkutan tersebut,
pengemudi juga membahayakan para pengendara lain di jalan itu. Selain itu pada
sore harinya saya melihat seorang mahasiswi yang duduk secara sembrono, dia
menggunakan rok pendek se-lutut namun dia duduk dengan tidak memperhatikan
lingkungan sekitar yang melihatnya duduk dengan menampilkan pakaian dalamnya.
Hal ini merupakan pelanggaran etika sopan santun, karena mahasiswi tersebut
duduk tanpa memperhatikan norma sopan santun.
2nd October
Hari ini adalah hari
kamis, pelanggaran etika yang saya temui dihari ini adalah yang pertama pada
saat saya sedang berdiri untuk menunggu kaka saya. Seorang lelaki disamping
saya dengan sengaja membuang ludah sembarangan di jalan umum, hal ini merupakan
pelanggaran etika sopan santun dalam lingkungan. Lelaki yang membuang ludah
sembarangan tersebut tidak memperdulikan orang lain disekitarnya yang merasa
terganggu dengan sikapnya itu, terlebih membuang ludah sembarangan dapat
menyebarkan penyakit apabila terkena
orang lain, seperti influenza. Pada sore
harinya saat saya ingin pulang kerumah, ada kejadian yang cukup mengejutkan,
yaitu terjadi tawuran pelajar SMP di
jalan dan juga di rel kereta api. Tawuran tersebut memang lumayan sering
terjadi, namun sangat disayangkan pelajar SMP yang masih sangat muda sudah
menyianyiakan waktunya untuk tawuran. Selain itu, tawuran yang terjadi sangat
mengganggu masyarakat sekitar khususnya pengguna jalan. Karena dengan adanya
tawuran tersebut menyebabkan kemacetan panjang di jalan. Tawuran pelajar itu
sendiri terjadi karena kurangnya etika yang di miliki oleh setiap pelajar.
3rd October
Jumat, 3 oktober. Saat
saya berada di kampus saya melihat seorang mahasiswa yang entah secara sengaja
atau tidak, dia membuang sampah kertas sembarangan saja di lobby kampus tanpa memperhatikan di
sebelahnya ada OB kampus yang sedang berusaha menyapu untuk membersihkan
sampah-sampah yang tergeletak begitu saja di lobby kampus dan sangat mengganggu
kenyamanan warga kampus lainnya. Perilaku mahasiswa tersebut merupakan
pelanggaran etika lingkungan karena secara sengaja membuang sampah tidak pada
tempatnya, padahal tempat sampah sudah disediakanoleh pihak kampus. Dan juga
mahasiswa tersebut melanggar etika sopan santun karena secara tidak langsung
telah memperberat pekerjaan OB kampus tersebut.
4th October
Hari sabtu, 4 oktober.
Pada hari ini ada beberapa umat muslim yang sudah menjalani ibadah sholat Idul
Adha. Pada hari ini, saat hendak ke kampus saya mampir ke supermarket untuk
membeli minum. Saat saya sedang mengantri di kasir untuk membayar minuman, ada
seorang ibu yang dengan sengaja tidak mengantri dan malah menyalip orang di
depan saya saat ia hendak membayar belanjaannya. Ibu itu beralasan sedang
terburu-buru dan dia langsung meletakkan belanjaannya di meja kasir untuk
selanjutnya di hitung jumlahnya di kasir. Hal
ini merupakan pelanggaran etika dalam bermasyarakat, karena ibu tersebut
mengambil hak orang lain yang telah terlebih dahulu mengantri. Lalu saat saya
sedang di dalam kendaraan bersama teman saya, saya melihat ada seorang
pengendara motor yang berkendara sambil menerima telepon. Hal ini merupakan
pelanggaran etika dalam berlalu lintas, karena pengendara tersebut telah
membahayakan dirinya sendiri dan orang lain yang juga sedang menggunakan jalan
tersebut. Pada malam harinya saya menemukan pelanggaran etika yang dilakukan
oleh salah satu provider telepon seluler, adik saya menerima sms dari operator
telepon seluler tersebut yang berisi konten dewasa. Hal ini merupakan salah
satu pelanggaran etika berbisnin yang entah memang disengaja atau tidak, karena
provider tersebut tidak seharusnya mengirimkan pesan seperti itu kepada
konsumennya. Walaupun kata-kata yang digunakan sangat sopan.
5th October
Hari minggu, umat
muslim di Indonesia merayakan Hari Raya Idul Adha. Saya dan keluarga saya
hendak pergi ke masjid terdekat untuk melakukan sholat Ied, namun ada hal
menarik saat saya dan keluarga tiba di masjid. Ada seorang ibu dan anaknya,
sang ibu sedang memarahi anaknya yang entah membuat kesalahan apa, anak
tersebut menangis dengan kencangnya tetapi sang ibu malah memarahi anak tersebut
dengan lebih kencang lagi. Hal ini merupakan pelanggaran etika sopan santun,
karena sang ibu memarahi anaknya tidak melihat situasi dan tempat, terlebih
lagi sang ibu memarahi anaknya dengan suara yang keras. Kejadian tersebut tentu
mengganggu ke khusyukan ibadah orang-orang disekitarnya yang sedang ingin
melaksanakan sholat Ied. Setelah sholat Ied saya sekeluarga pergi kerumah nenek
saya di Bogor, dan saat kami di perjalanan
tiba-tiba saya melihat pemuda dan pemudi sedang berpelukan di jalan
sambil bercanda, sang lelaki memeluk pinggang pacarnya di depan umum. Mereka
seperti itu tanpa memiliki rasa malu, karena dilakukan di depan umum yang dapat
di lihat oleh seluruh pengguna jalan. Hal ini merupakan pelanggaran etika sopan
santun dan juga etika dalam agama, karena mereka melakukan hal tersebut yang
pastinya sangat mengganggu orang lain yang melihatnya, terlebih lagi masyarakat
Indonesia mayoritas memegang adat keTimuran.
6th October
Hari senin, saat saya
hendak ke kampus J4 di Kemang Pratama saya menaiki ojek. Pada saat itu ojek
yang saya tumpangi dikendarai oleh bapak-bapak yang sudah lumayan berumur.
Awalnya bapak tersebut membawa motornya dengan perlahan dan tidak ugal-ugalan,
lalu tiba-tiba bapak tersebut menaiki kecepatan motornya dan dikendarai secara
ugal-ugalan. Bahkan hendak menabrak motor saat ojek tersebut mencoba menyalip
mobil di depannya. Tukang ojek tersebut melanggar etika berlalu lintas karena
telah membawa kendaraannya secara sembrono dan membahayakan penumpangnya. Bapak
tersebut tidak memperhatikan kondisi fisik motor yang dikendarainya, motor yang
dibawa bapak tersebut dapat dibilang “tua” dalam kondisi motor seperti itu,
bapak tersebut mengendarai motornya secara tidak terkendali dan dapat
membahayakan penumpangnya.
Strategies for doing your best on the Reading Comprehension section are:
How to prepare for the Reading section
Keep following tips in mind:
How to prepare for the Reading section
Keep following tips in mind:
- Read Newspapers, magazines. Read whatever you can, whenever you can.
- Practice skimming -reading some leaving some- so as to get the gist of the writing without reading all or major portion of the reading assignment.
- Pay particular attention to new vocabulary words, including the use of prefixes, suffixes, and roots.
- Practice determining the meaning of a vocabulary word from its context.
Questions 1-5 refer to the following story:
Line | ||
"Did you see that?" Joe said to his friend Bill. "You're a great shooter!" Bill caught the basketball and bounced it before throwing it again. The ball flew into the net. "Bill, you never miss!" Joe said admiringly. | ||
5 | "Unless I'm in a real game," Bill complained. "Then I miss all the time." Joe knew that Bill was right. Bill performed much better when he was having fun with Joe in the school yard than he did when he was playing for the school team in front of a large crowd. "Maybe you just need to practice more," Joe suggested. | |
10 | "But I practice all the time with you!" Bill objected. He shook his head. "I just can't play well when people are watching me." "You play well when I'm watching," Joe pointed out. "That's because I've known you since we were five years old," Bill said with a smile. "I'm just not comfortable playing when other people are around." | |
15 | Joe nodded and understood, but he also had an idea. The next day Joe and Bill met in the school yard again to practice. After a few minutes, Joe excused himself. "Practice without me," Joe said to his friend. "I'll be back in a minute." Joe hurried through the school building, gathering together whomever he could find—two | |
20 | students, a math teacher, two secretaries, and a janitor. | |
When Joe explained why he needed them, everyone was happy to help. Joe reminded the group to stay quiet as they all went toward the school's basketball court. As Joe | ||
25 | had hoped, Bill was still practicing basketball. He made five baskets in a row without noticing the silent people standing behind him. "Hey, Bill!" Joe called out finally. Bill turned. A look of surprise came over his | |
30 | face. "I just wanted to show you that you could play well with people watching you," Joe said. "Now you'll have nothing to worry about for the next game!" |
1. What would be the best title for the story?
- Joe Joins the Team
- Practice Makes Perfect
- Bill Wins the Big Game
- Bill's Basketball Problem
2. In line 6, the word performed is closest in meaning to _______.
- acted
- played
- moved
- changed
3. Why is Bill upset?
- He plays better in practice than he does during games.
- The school yard is not a good place to practice.
- Joe watches him too closely when he plays.
- His team loses too many games.
4. Why does Bill play well when Joe is watching him?
- He is comfortable with Joe.
- Joe tells him how to play better.
- He does not know that Joe is there.
- He wants to prove to Joe that he is a good player.
5. Why does Joe decide to gather a group of people?
- Because he wants more players for his team
- Because he wants to help Bill feel less nervous
- Because he wants to show them his talent
- Because he wants more people to see the next game
Questions 6-10 are about the following passage:
Line | ||
When another old cave is discovered in the south of France, it is not usually news. Rather, it | ||
is an ordinary event. Such discoveries are so frequent these days that hardly anybody pays heed to them. However, when the Lascaux cave complex was discovered in 1940, | ||
5 | the world was amazed. Painted directly on its walls were hundreds of scenes showing how people lived thousands of years ago. The scenes show people hunting animals, such as bison or wild cats. Other images depict birds and, most noticeably, horses, which appear in more than | |
10 | 300 wall images, by far outnumbering all other animals. Early artists drawing these animals accomplished a monumental and difficult task. They did not limit themselves to the easily accessible walls but carried their painting materials to spaces that required climbing | |
15 | steep walls or crawling into narrow passages in the Lascaux complex. Unfortunately, the paintings have been exposed to the destructive action of water and temperature changes, which easily wear the images away. Because the Lascaux caves have | |
20 | many entrances, air movement has also damaged the images inside. Although they are not out in the open air, where natural light would have | |
destroyed them long ago, many of the images have deteriorated and are barely recognizable. To prevent further damage, the site was closed to tourists in 1963, 23 years after it was discovered. | ||
6. Which title best summarizes the main idea of the passage?
- Wild Animals in Art
- Hidden Prehistoric Paintings
- Exploring Caves Respectfully
- Determining the Age of French Caves
7. In line 3, the words pays heed to are closest in meaning to ______.
- discovers
- watches
- notices
- buys
8. Based on the passage, what is probably true about the south of France?
- It is home to rare animals.
- It has a large number of caves.
- It is known for horse-racing events.
- It has attracted many famous artists.
9. According to the passage, which animals appear most often on the cave walls?
- Birds
- Bison
- Horses
- Wild cats
10. In line 8, the word depict is closest in meaning to _______.
- show
- hunt
- count
- draw
Answer key for reading comprehension:
- D
- B
- A
- A
- B
- B
- C
- B
- C
- A
The Test
Of English as a Foreign Language (or TOEFL,
pronounced "toe-full") evaluates the potential success of an
individual to use and understand standard American English at a college level. The Structure
and Written Expression section contains sentences that test
your knowledge of important structural and grammatical elements of standard
written English.
The type of structure of TOEFL are so
many, as follow:
A noun is
the name of a person, place, thing, or idea. Whatever exists, we assume, can be
named, and that name is a noun. Categories Noun:
a) Compound
noun: A common noun is a noun that refers to
people or things in general. There
are several different types of compound noun, as follows:
Countable compound
nouns: address book
Uncountable compound
nouns: air conditioning
Singular compound
nouns: cost of living
Plural compound nouns:
armed forces
b) Countable
nouns: nouns are words which can be
counted. They have a singular form and a plural form. They usually refer to
things. Most countable nouns become plural by adding an ‘s’ at the end of the
book ( I bought a book last week)
c) Collective
nouns: Collective nouns refer to groups of
people or things.
For example:
the jury is trying to make ecision
now ß
that can be follow with singular and plural verb
d) Uncountable
noun: nouns are words which cannot be counted. Therefore, they only have a
singular form. They have no plural forms.
For example:
I need a water (wrong)
I need some
water (right)
a pronoun is a word or form that substitutes for
a noun or noun phrase. It is a particular case of a pro-form. There
are several different types of pronouns, as follows:
Who is Mr. Black? à He is my new neighbour
b) Possessive
Singular ( This is my English dictionary)
Plural ( These are our dictionaries)
c) Possessive
pronouns: Possessive pronouns are used to indicate possession or ownership. Some occur as independent noun phrases: mine, yours, hers, ours, yours, theirs.
Example :
Singular (This dictionary is mine)
Example :
Plural (These English novels are ours)
d) Reflexive
Pronouns: Reflexive pronouns are used when a
person or thing acts on itself.
Example :
I enjoyed myself at the party last night
e) Indefinite
pronouns: Indefinite
pronouns, the largest group of pronouns, refer to one or more unspecified
persons or things.
Example :
I didn’t see anything when I entered the house last night.
f) Demonstrative
pronouns: Demonstrative
pronouns (in English, this, that and their plurals these, those) often distinguish their
targets by pointing or some other indication of position
This is a list of the new members.
Helping verbs have no meaning on their own. They
are necessary for the grammatical structure of a sentence, but they do not tell
us very much alone.
a) TO
Example :
I am an employee
b) TO
Example :
I was an employee
c) TO
Example :
I will be very busy tomorrow morning.
d) TO
Example :
I am used to hot weather
Example :
He is used to having breakfast before leaving for office
Example :
There is a book on the table
Example :
There are five books on that table
In grammar, tense is a category that locates a situation in time, to indicate when the
situation takes place. Tense is the
grammaticalisation of time reference, often using three basic categories of
"before now", the past;
"now", the present; and "after now", the future
a) Simple
Present Tense:
I study English on Monday and Thursday
b) Present
Continuos Tense:
He is looking for his pen in that room
c) Present
Perfect Tense:
We have occupied this house for 3 years
d) Present
Perfect Continuous
Diana has been working for this company for 7 months
e) Simple
Past Tense
We studied English last Tuesday afternoon.
f) Past
Continuous Tense
We were having breakfast at 7 o’clock this morning
g) Past
Perfect Tense
He had sold the car when I came too see it yesterday afternoon.
h) Past
Perfect Continuous
Dhiana had been typing the monthly report for 2 hours at 11 o’clock this
Simple Future Tense
I will spend my holidays in Bali next month.
Future Continuous Tense
I will be leaving for Surabaya by train if you come to my home at 7 o’clock
tomorrow afternoon
k) Future
Perfect Tense
They will have finished painting this building by the end of this month
Future Perfect
I will have been studying Englishfor there years by the time I am 25 years old
5. ADJECTIVESà An adjective is a word that describes,
identifies, modifies, or quantifies something (a noun or a pronoun). In the
phrase, "the black cat" the word black is an
adjective because it describes the cat. Categorise adjectives:
a) Position
Adjective: When adjectives come in a
noun phrase they are normally immediately before the noun. Some adjectives are
used alone after nouns.
Example: They live in a large house
(attributive position)
Their new house is
large (predicative position)
b) Function
Example: I still felt hungry after
c) Participle
Example: I was very pleased when I met
d) Demonstrative
Example: I am interested to buy this old
e) Formation
of Adjective:
Noun + y : anger – angry
Noun + ful : power – powerful
Noun + al : crime – criminal
Noun + ous : danger – dangerous
Noun + less : taste – tasteless
Verb + able : obtain – obtainable
Verb + ive : talk – talkative
Im + adjective : possible – impossible
Ir + adjective : regular – irregular
Un + adjective : able – unable
Il + adjective : legal – illegal
In + adjective : capable – incapable
f) Positive
Degree: The positive form is the
base form of the adjective.
Example: The man is as old as my father
g) Comparative
Degree: The comparative form expresses
a higher degree of some quality.
English book costs Rp 30.000,-
History book costs Rp 25.000,-
Ø The
english book is more expenxive than the history book.
Ø The
history book is cheaper than the english book.
h) Superlative
Degree: The superlative form
expresses the highest degree.
The english book costs Rp 35.000,-
The history book costs Rp 25.000,-
The French book costs Rp 45.000,-
Ø The
history book is the cheapest of three books.
Ø The
French book is the most expensive of the three books.
Double Comparative
Example: As the police chased him, the
man run faster and faster.
The Same as – The Same – Similar
Example: your dictionary is the same as
my dictionary
A verb that combines with another verb to indicate mood or tense. A modal (also known as a modal
auxiliary) expresses necessity, uncertainty, ability, or permission. The modal auxiliaries (or modals) include the following:
a) Can
– Could : I can translate this english novel into Indonesian.
b) May
– Might : You may come to my house if you have time.
c) Must
– Have To : I must help my parents in the garden every Sunday morning.
d) Shall
– Will : I’m very thirsty. I will drink a glass of water.
e) Should
– Ought To : We should respect our teachers.
f) Would
: What would you like to drink?
g) Needn’t
– Mustn’t : I needn’t have bought the apples because she had bought some.
h) Had
Better : You had better not leave this place before they come.
Would Rather : We would rather take a
Used To : My little sister used to study
7.QUESTION WORD: We use question words to ask certain types of questions (question
word questions). Categorise of
question word:
a) What
– Who(m) :
What book?
Who did you meet at the party last
Whom did you meet at the party last night?
b) When
– Where :
When will your brother go to America?
Where do you study English?
c) Which
– Whose :
Which book do you want to take?
Whose umbrella did you borrow?
d) Why
– How :
Why do you study English?
How many students are there in that
8. VERBSà Verbs are doing words. A verb can express
a physical action, a mental action, or a state of being. The verbs which express a state of being
are the ones which take a little practice to spot, but, actually, they are the
most common. The most common verb is the verb to be. There are several different types of verbs, as
a) Infinitive
: I was the first to come and the last to
b) Past
Form : He took my money in the
c) Past
Participle : They have played for
almost two hours.
d) Present
Participles : Tommy is repairing his car in the garage.
e) Main
Verb : The tallest student in Jane’s class has long black hair and blue eyes.
f) Verb
+ To Infinitive : They decided not to continue the construction of the bridge.
g) Verb
+ Gerund : The man denied taking all the money in this drawer.
h) Verb
Phrase + Gerund : My father gave up smoking because of his doctor’s advice.
Verb + Infinitive or Gerund : It was
beginning to rain when I left the office at 5 p.m yesterday.
9. ADVERBSà An adverb is a word that’s used to give information
about a verb, adjective, or other adverb. Adverbs can make the meaning of a
verb, adjective, or other adverb stronger or weaker. There are several
different types of adverbs, as follows:
a) Adverb
of Manner : He speaks honestly.
b) Adverb
of Frequency : She will never be late
in the afternoon.
c) Adverb
of Certainty : The man probably
knows the location of the accident.
Passive voice is used when the focus
is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is
performing the action.
a) Passive
Voice in All Tenses : His father is always helped (by John) in the garden
(simple present tense).
b) Passive
Form of Modals : This novel can be translated (by his brother) into Indonesia.
11.ARTICLESà The articles in English are the definite article the and the indefinite articles a and an (and
sometimes some). Use of the definite article
implies that the speaker assumes the listener knows the identity of the noun's referent.
a) Indefinite
Article a-an : A lion is a wild animal.
b) Definite
Article : She is the lady we met at the supermarket yesterday morning.
c) Zero
Article : Cat’s don’t like cold weather.
In grammar, a conjunction is
a part of speech that
connects words, sentences, phrases or clauses. A discourse connective is
a conjunction joining sentences. There are several different types of
conjunctions, as follows:
a) Co-ordinating
Conjunction: Coordinating
conjunctions, also called coordinators, are conjunctions that join, or coordinate, two or more items (such as words, main clauses,
or sentences) of equal syntactic importance.
Example : John and I are leaving early tomorrow morning.
b) Subordinating
Conjunction: Subordinating
conjunctions, also called subordinator, are conjunctions that
join an independent clause and
adependent clause.
Example : The man came after we had finished doing our job.
c) Correlative
Conjunction: Correlative conjunctions work
in pairs to join words and groups of words of equal weight in a sentence.
Example : Brenda is either a typist or a
d) Compound
Example : He applied for a job in order that he could help his
A preposition is a word such as after, in, to, on, and with. Prepositions are usually used in front of nouns or pronouns
and they show the relationship between the noun or pronoun and other words in a
sentence. They describe, for example:
a) Simple
Preposition: about, above, across, after, etc.
b) Compound
Preposition: despite, beyond, upon, besides, etc
c) Double
Preposition: inspite of, due to, as regards, next to, etc
d) Participal
Preposition: regarding, barring, pending, during, etc
e) Phrase
Preposition: instead of, on account of, in line with, etc
Conditional Sentences are also known as
Conditional Clauses or If Clauses. They are used to express that the action in
the main clause (without if) can
only take place if a certain condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled. There are three types of Conditional
a) Conditional
Clause Type 1: If I finish work early today, I will play tennis in the
b) Conditional
Clause Type 2: If I had much money I would by a new car
c) Conditional
Clause Type 3: If I had had much money,I would have bought a new car
d) As
If – As Though: He speak as if he were my superior / He speak as though he were
my superior.
e) Wish:
I wish she would tell me the secret.
Indirect speech, also
called reported speech or indirect discourse, is a
means of expressing the content of statements, questions or other utterances, without quoting them explicitly as is done in direct speech.
a) Indirect
Speech – Statement
Direct: Jenni said, “I buy this
dictionary at a bookshop.”
Indirect: Jenni told me (that) she
bought this dictionary at a bookshop
b) Indirect
Speech – Question
Direct: John asked me, “do you still
take an English course?”
Indirect: John asked me if I still took
an English course.
c) Indirect
Speech – Question Words
Direct: He said, “when did you buy this
new car?”
Indirect: He asked me when I had bought
this new car
d) Indirect
Speech – Command
Direct: The instructor said, “lie down
on the grass?”
Indirect: The instructor told me to lie
down on the grass.
16.GERUNDà A gerund is a verbal that ends in -ing and
functions as a noun. The term verbal indicates that a gerund, like the
other two kinds of verbals, is based on a verb and therefore expresses action
or a state of being. However, since a gerund functions as a noun, it occupies
some positions in a sentence that a noun ordinarily would.
a) Gerund
as subject : Running in the morning is good for health.
b) Gerund
as a complement: One of her hobbies is collecting foreign stamps.
c) Gerund
as an object: My father likes hunting in the forest.
d) Gerund
after preposition: He was not capable of doing the work.
e) Gerund
after possessive adjective: His leaving will make them sad.
f) Gerund
after certain verbs: We kept hoping he would come last night.
g) Gerund
after the verb go: We usually go to fishing on Saturday afternoon.
h) Passive
gerund: This old television set needs repairing
Gerund to show prohibition: No smoking!
17.CAUSATIVEà The causative is a common structure in English. It is used
when one thing or person causes another thing or person to do something.
a) Causative
– Have: I have him repair the window.
b) Causative
– Get: I often get my little brother to clean his room.
c) Causative
– Make: The robber made the teller give him all the money in the drawer.
An adjective clause usually comes after the noun
it modifies and is
made up of several words which, like all clauses, will include a subject and a
a) Subject
pronoun: who – which – that
The couple have two boys and two
They live next door.
Ø The
couple who live next door have two boys and two daughters.
Ø The
couple that live next door have two boys and two daughters.
b) Object
pronoun: who – which – that
The man was my english teacher.
You saw him at the station last night.
Ø The
man who/whom you saw at the station last night was my english teacher.
Ø The
man that you saw at the station last night was my english teacher.
c) Using
whose and where
The man is my next door neighbor.
His computer was stolen a few days ago.
Ø The
man whose computer was stolen a few days ago is my next door neighbor.
a) Question
word in noun clause:
Example: Where does he work? I don’t
know he works
b) Whether
– if in noun clause:
Example: Does she live in Jakarta? I don’t know
whether she live in Jakarta.
2. Cyssco,
Dhanny R (2007). Comprehensive English
Grammar Preparation For TOEFL. Bekasi: Penerbit Kesaint Blanc.
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